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dull appearance造句

"dull appearance"是什么意思  
  • Grosgrain has a very dull appearance with little luster but is very strong.
  • Their dull appearance camouflages them on the ground, especially when on the nest.
  • The brittle, short hair, reduced eyelashes, crowded teeth, and dull appearance created a characteristic facial appearance.
  • While in the dress shop, Beth overhears women gossiping about how her dull appearance led to her losing her husband.
  • Once inside the room, Mike describes on his mini-cassette recorder the room's dull appearance and its unimpressive lack of supernatural phenomena.
  • Lead otherwise tarnishes on contact with moist air, giving it a dull appearance the hue of which will vary depending on the prevailing conditions.
  • I would like to somehow " dress them up " get rid of the flat, dull appearance and make them look more like a paneled door.
  • It's difficult to see dull appearance in a sentence. 用dull appearance造句挺难的
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